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DC Youth Advisory Council

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DCYAC Program Overview

The District of Columbia Youth Advisory Council (DCYAC) was established to provide an organized youth perspective regarding various issues to the Mayor, the Council of the District of Columbia, District of Columbia Public Schools, public charter schools, key decision makers in the District of Columbia government, officials and community leaders.

Member Roles and Responsibilities:
The roles and responsibilities of the DCYAC members include (but are not limited to):
(1) responding to legislation and policies that impact youth;
(2) recommending methods to resolve issues and concerns involving youth;
(3) reviewing youth programs and policies to ensure they are achieving their established goals and objectives;
(4) collaborating with neighborhood and youth organizations; and
(5) partnering with local, national and international youth organizations.

Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must be at least thirteen (13) years of age and no older than twenty‐two (22) years of age, and must meet the following requirements:

  • be a District of Columbia resident for at least one year prior to application2; and
  • be willing to complete community service projects.

Basic Selection Criteria:
Applicants must also have:

  • an interest in community service, and motivation to work as a volunteer for the government;
  • a background in community service;
  • a general knowledge and understanding of community needs in the ward where they reside;
  • an ability to articulate ideas and solutions regarding youth issues and concerns;
  • the ability to interact constructively with peers in a group setting;
  • the ability to fulfill commitments;
  • the ability to engage in community outreach with diverse populations; and
  • an interest in developing leadership skills.

The Application Process:
All applicants must submit a complete application packet in order to be fully considered for the DCYAC. The application packet includes:

  • a completed and signed application form;
  • a letter of recommendation; and
  • proofs of DC residency and age.

Candidates selected to participate in the second phase of the review process, which includes a panel interview, will be notified. Complete application packets may also be hand‐delivered or emailed to [email protected]. Please do not fax applications.

DC Youth Advisory Council Application

1 Due to the nature of the program requirements for the DCYAC, applicants ages 18‐22 will be required to undergo a criminal background check.
2 College students shall be eligible to participate on the DCYAC if they have been a District of Columbia resident, living outside a college dormitory, for at least one year prior to application.